Friday, February 14, 2014

Has This Ever Happened to Anyone Else?

In my life, the following situation occurs all the time, with numerous different people. I think there might be something wrong with me…

Friend: Hi, Evan
Me: Hey, how’s it going?
Friend: Ugh… fine, I guess…
Me: What’s wrong?
Friend: Didn’t you hear what ‘so-and-so’ said today?
Me: Probably…
Friend: Ugh, ‘so-and-so’ really irritates me. They are so annoying.
Me: Um… Well, I definitely don’t agree with what ‘so-and-so’ did, but I think it’s not worth-it to get worked-up over. After all, that’s just who they are. Ignore that one flaw and your left with a pretty decent person in the end.
Friend: I-don’t-know, I just… can’t get over it. Doesn’t it bother you?
Me: I guess not. Being bothered with it seems like so much work.
(Another friend walks up)
Other Friend: Hey guys, what’s up?
Friend: We were just talking about ‘so-and-so’. Did I tell you what they did today?
Other Friend: Ugh, I HATE ‘so-and-so’. What happened?
(After a brief exchange…)
Other Friend: Oh-my-gosh, I can’t believe that…
Friend: I know, and Evan is defending them!
Other Friend: (looks at me) What! Why?
Me: Bu-… Wha-… No, I wasn’t defending them; I just don’t like it when you guys say mean things about them.
Other Friend: But didn’t you hear what they did?
Friend: (taps shoulder of third friend passing by…) Hey, what do you think of ‘so-and-so’?
Third Friend: (stops… glances at all of us… shakes head) ‘So-and-so’ – I can’t stand ‘em.
Friend: See, Evan. You just don’t get it.
Other Friend: (chimes in) Oh-my-gosh, this one time, ‘so-and-so’... (tells story)
Friend: …Oh yeah, that was when we were friends with ‘whatserface’…
Third Friend: …‘whatserface’ – I can’t stand her...
Me: (Quietly resigns from conversation to think about something else…)

Why is it – in a world of famine, disease, drought, and corruption – all we can ever find to complain about is each other?

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